Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Definition of Stupidity

Film : Stupidity by Albert Nerenberg Features Bill Maher, Noam Chomsky, George W. Bush, Mark Crispin Miller and many others. A humorous examination of stupidity in contemporary American culture, covering: the effects of television and mass media on the American intellect; the "dumbing down" of American culture; the popularity of Steve-O and Jackass; role of religion in willful stupidity; the identifaction of many Americans with George W. Bush; the evolution of such concepts as "idiot" and "moron." The DVD edition contains extra interviews commentaries and readings. The film is not connected to Matthijs van Boxsel's book called Encyclopaedia of Stupidity -- also 2003- but recommended. Notes written September 17th, 2007«

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Canadian Soldier Killed In Afghanistan

Pte. Sebastien Courcy was killed this morning during an operation in a village in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar province, about 17 kilometres southwest of the city. (HO)

Teen Behaviors Stem From Genetics, Environment

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Canadian Soldier Wounded in Afghanistan Dies

Master Cpl. Charles-Philippe Michaud died Saturday after being wounded last month in a roadside bomb blast southwest of Kandahar city. (DND)

Two Canadians Die in Afghanistan Three Others Injured in Helicopter Crash Cause Being Ought

Monday, July 6, 2009

Why is Elder Care Awareness a Hard Sell to the General Public?

'We Are Dying Like Flies': Elder Slams Inaction

Bagot community elder Joy White speaks as the Chief Minister, Paul Henderson, looks on. (ABC TV)


Young people interacting within an ethnically diverse society.

Saturday, July 4, 2009